Wednesday 11 February 2009


Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:258

Timestamp: 2009-02-11 19:27:47 UTC
Thanks so much to everyone who took the time to stop on by and leave lovely comments and massive thanks to Lisa for organising this wonderful event!
There is also a post on my blog for today.

Here is a bit of what Lisa has to say:
The giveaway portion is like hosting an open if we were all living in this gigantic neighborhood where once a year we visit homes to meet, reacquaint and get to know one another. At each home there are samplings of goodies that you have a chance to take home like a door prize. You leave your name and at some point each home choses a winner or winners......and now you not only have met a new "neighbor" and you've seen where they have something that someone lovingly chose to give..... AND visa versa.

Here is what I am giving away - Some yummy craft items from ribbons and lace to vellum, Sakura Pens to Flowers and buttons. I love making Tags and have got quite a collection, so I have also decided to give away some of my very early makes - they are made from the heart.......

Just two of the four tags I will be giving away


«Oldest   ‹Older   401 – 600 of 640   Newer›   Newest»
CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Your paper crafts are stunning! It's really fun to check out so many creative blogs!

#600 and #601 on OWOH

Jenn Klee said...

This is an amazing prize, thanks for sharing!

Rusted Wings said...

What a great offering! Please come by and see my new blog #479 Rusted Wings Gallery.

Clare said...

nice meeting you via blogland! Enter me!

Anonymous said...

Oooh. I must say I'm a fan of big goodie bags with lots of stuff in them as giveaways. So much fun!


Jill said...

Yes, please enter me too!! What fun, what talent!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

What an awesome give-away...m

Unknown said...

Thanks for being so generous. I love your blog!

Please include me!

Oh Happy Day!

Anji Gallanos said...

I would love to win this giveaway...lots of entries..I am crossing my fingers. I am also hosting a giveaway.

Geekery said...

Please enter me into the draw and don't forget to head on over to my OWOH giveaway to enter mine...

DDawson said...

The tags are amazing!! You have a great eye for design!

Sonja said...

Wow, please enter my name, sop by and visit my blog, nr. 585.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this wonderful giveaway! I would love it!

Donna said...

What a great giveaway, thank you so much for the chance to win some great crafting goodies.

auntmannys said...

Oh Dawn what a wonderful giveaway! I am just starting to get into scrapbooking and altered art. I just started my first piece of mixed media altered art yesterday and will put it up for sale today. your giveaway items would be a wonderful addition. thank you so much for the opportunity!


Lorri said...

Gorgeous giveaway :) Please include me. I'm number 584 if you would like to join my giveaway too! :)

Witedove said...

Wonderful tags and what a beautiful collection of stuff to give away, its easy to tell that you have a giving heart (a quality that is hard to find anymore) I am honored to visit your blog. Please include me in your giveaway.

Anonymous said...

This is my first time participating in OWOH. I would love the chance to win your art.

fionakcrawford @ gmail . com

crafty creations said...

Brilliant give away - Thank you for adding me to your draw = please pop over to my blog to take part in my draw



Karen said...

The tags are beautiful!

Halle said...

Fantastic!! count me in!

Please stop by my giveaway as well!

Ellen said...

great tags , I'd love to be entered for this one. Have a look at my blog give away I'm somewhere in your area

Chris Gray said...

Great giveaway(s) - and I'm giving on my blog too!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the chance to win such pretty stuff! Donna

Anonymous said...

Oh.My.God. Does all that crafty goodness look good! I'm a huge paper crafter, so this is right up my alley! Thank you so much for participating in the world-wide giveaway!!! I can't wait until Feb 12th!

Punky Fairy said...

Thats a lot of stuff wow!! Where do you get it all? :)

Nancy Markosky said...

please enter me in your generous give away. so many beautiful items that you are offering.

Unknown said...

I am so amazed at the talent on these blogs. I would never have had the opportunity to read and see all of this if not for the giveaway. Please enter me for your beautiful tags. Visit me at and enter

Jeanie said...

These are spectacular! Will you please enter me, and visit my drawing as well?

Stitchingranny said...

I would love to be included in your draw. I am new to card making and do not even know what vellum is lol.

Comfrey Cottages said...

lovely giveaways and what a lovely event. so nice to meet you, your blog and items you have made are beautiful. count me in please! hugs from leslie at comfrey cottages.

BONNIE K said...

I'm joining the throngs to enter your contest. And I"m gonna check out your blog some more.

Terri Lee Takacs said...

Just so much fun!!!
Come see me too!

Susan said...

Wonderful tags so creative! I hope I win one of your treasures! Susan v.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Vie Chaotique said...

Please put my name in the hat. THANks!!

silverbele said...

I would love to win this wonderful contest.

La Tea Dah said...

I would love to enter your drawing. Thank you so much.


Teri said...

Hi Dawn,

Please enter me for your lovely prize! Thank you!

Birgit said...

Hi there,

You are nearing the 500th comment on your posts -- that's amazing! :) Your tags are exquisite and, of course, craft items are always welcome.

Happy creating,

Pam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pam said...

What a lovely give away, I love your tags. Pam

Tonje said...

Hello from Norway! I recently moved from Scotland... and I miss it, so every time I se a Scottish blog I'm thrilled... You make great cards. And I'd love to be entered in your giveaway.

Lilly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gillian .... said...

Hi Dawn, what a great giveaway you are offering, please count me in your draw. I too have a OWOH giveaway on my blog:)

Layla said...

What a fabulous giveaway! Please enter me and please take a moment to enter mine:


dlans said...

Thanks for being a part of this project. I would love to be entered into your drawing for this wonderful prize.


Oakleaf Hollow Primitives said...

Hi Dawn! Your tags are so pretty! I'm a folk art painter in Arkansas, USA. I love to paint on wooden tags. Hopefully my items will be finished in a day or two. So please go peek at my blog and comment!
Thanks a bunch!

Debra said...

love your giveaway! Please enter my name and visit my blog for mine!

acereta said...

Please, count me in.
Beautiful gifts!

tisme said...

I am so enjoying this giveaway, it truly is great fun. And there are two great things about it. I get to see so many blogs that I may never have seen and get to have a chance to win a prize or two.

Mississippi Songbird said...

Please enter me..

SuseADoodle said...

WOW! Great tags! I sure would love to win! LOL. :-)

"Suse Bee"

Its Meow or Never Animal Rescue said...

Scotland, a place dear to my heart! The animals and everyone here at It's Meow or Never Animal Rescue would love to enter this give away.

bison61 said...

thanks for your giveaway-please enter my name

tiramisu392 (at)

Papemelroti Shop Blog said...

its interestng

rosannepm said...

Good blog

Sarahlé said...

Even now, I can hardly realize how brilliant the OWOH idea is... It allows each and every one to admire a great deal of art and amazing things, even then we wouldn’t know they exist otherwise! By the way, I am far from disappointed by visiting your blog…
Please count me in, I would be delighted to win...!
That’s really heartwarming to discover so much unselfishness and sharing with nothing but a little friendliness in return.
Many thanks to you


Willa said...

Fun goodies!
I have visited your part of the world with watercolor painters. We spent a couple of weeks at St. Abbs on the North Sea. I think we went 4 times. Wonderful.

Suzanne said...

An amazingly generous BLOG candy offering. I am loving getting to visit so many wonderful crafters from around the world and see what they are thinking of an making. Such talent!

Marva Plummer-Bruno said...

I'd love to win one of your pieces! Be sure and check out my blog, I'm #564. Thanks, Marva at

Beeshebags said...

Hi Dawn, those tags are lovely hun. Please pop my name in the draw. Hugs Naomi from Adelaide, Sth Australia

Cathy said...

Beautiful items and a lovely idea for a world wide giveaway. Please enter me.

cheryl said...

Beautiful tags & fabulous giveaway!

If you get a chance, stop by and enter my humble OWOH:

Anonymous said...

What a deligthful giveaway! Please do enter me!!!
Thank you!

Nikki said...

What wonderful goodies!

cowgirltazz said...

What a beautiful site and great giveaway.


What a Great idea I also joined it so please leave a comment on mine too
xx Chris

Lisa said...

yor tags are beautiful and would be wonderful to win.. count me in:)

Suzie Button said...

sweet giveaway! Thanks for a chance to win! Suzie

angelandspot said...

Those are lovely tags. I'd love to enter your draw. Thank You!

Anne said...

a great giveaway, your tags are gorgeous
please enter me into your draw

Donna said...

What a great giveaway. Thanks so much! Please include me!

Char said...

Wow...a wonderful assortment made just for scrappers and card makers!!!

Please enter me in your give away....and come by and see mine, too!

Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

Yes, please enter me in your drawing. I love your site. Please also visit my site/blog or
my e-mail:

Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

Yes, please enter me in your drawing. I love your site and I hope you visit mine too. or

tangerinedream73 said...

Lovely giveaway!

Amy Varnell-Miller

Cole Ann said...

oo please add me.. what a great give away!!

Belle said...

I would love to win this giveaway!


Sharon said...

How cool! Please enter me!

jenn said...

Wow, what great items. Love the tags too... they are beautiful. Please add my name into the drawing

Rashell said...


it's so nice to meet you. Love your collection of papers, ribbons, etc. Please enter me in your drawing and stop by for a visit when you get a chance.

OWOH #723

Anonymous said...

Very generous! Please sign me up.

Gaea said...

Fun blog and great giveaway! Thanks!

Betty Boogie said...

What an awesome giveaway! Visit my blog on Sunday to see what I am giving away :-)

AbsoluteJeanius said...

Super tags! *crossing fingers*

Linda . J said...

Wow what a fantastic give away, so nice to be a part of it.

dreameyce said...

I would love to be entered, please! :)

Corryna said...

One should always hope.. so even now there are so many that commented on your beautiful giveaway, I will give it a try too :-)

Please come to mine too.

Fannie said...

Wow, Dawn! You exemplify one of my words for 2009--generosity. Wonderful!


Candy said...

Throw my name in the hat!! Thank you!!


Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Oh wow! You are so talented with such beautiful pieces and such original ideas.
I love to scrapbook and these items would be much appreciated.

Please enter me to win, too.

Thank you!
New Mexico, USA

deborahinwi said...

Wonderful craft items! What a fun giveaway! Please add me, and come visit my giveaway at

Beth said...

What a wonderful variety in your giveaway!Please count me in your drawing.

#740 in the caravan

Devonna said...

Lovely work!Enter me in the fun, Devonna

Bethel of Bethania said...

Wooh!Dawn lovely ... Please, count me in & visit with me too…
OOroo… Bethel … from Down Under ...

Stitchety Grub said...

Fantastic giveaway - I would love to be included in your draw
Britt Australia

Unknown said...

What fun stuff, please enter me and enter mine at #500.

BumbleBee Bagz said...

Thank you for your comment and good luck!


Rabbithorns said...

Fantastic array! I would love to be entered, please. rabbithorns(at)gmail(dot)com

myownplace said...

I'd love to win your giveaway. Thanks for your generosity.

Bee said...

I love your tags, they are stunning.

Willa said...

fun stash!

would enjoy playing.


Periwinkle Studio said...

Great giveaway! Someone will be very happy and I hope it is ME! ;)

Please enter me and stop by my blog and enter mine too!

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

Look at the beautiful tags and the yummy supplies! Please enter me.

The Purple Lady

Linda East said...

I would love to win your giveaway
please enter my name and then come visit me at
Your blog rocks.
Create & Share
Linda (Oklahoma)

malleycc said...

Great giveawsy. I would love to win. Thanks,

AmandaK said...

I would love to be entered into your giveaway!

Jamie Spires said...

I'd love to be entered into the drawing to win your prize! Thanks a bunch, and if you want to catch me find me at or I'm #790 on the OWOH list!

Creations by JAE

Eve said...

Oh my goodness - so many wonderful items! Please enter me!

Beaches58 said...

Your tags are great! Amd wjo is singing on your web?

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of awesome goodies.

MoonWillow Art Studio said...

Well Hello There! What an amazing giveaway! Very cool! Lovely! Divine! Please enter my name in your drawing. I would be thrilled to win! If you get a chance, please come visit my blog & enter my drawing if you'd like. Have a fabulous week!

OWOH #704

Angel Tousignant said...

J'aimerais avoir mon nom dans votre tirage. Merci. Très beau ce que vous faites

A Beaded Affair said...

Beautiful blog and great fun. Please enter me in your drawing and visit my blog at #795.

I Play Outside The Box said...

Beautiful! Please enter me in your giveaway! Thanks!!

jasmoonbutterfly said...

count me in please x

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway!!! Please count me in!

Deborah Eley De Bono said...

Hope I win the lovely tags.

I'm at #780 drop by.

Karen Brooks said...

Great tags - I am very tag challenged but I can whip out a card without thinking!! Thanks for a chance to win!

Linda said...

I love the crafy things you do. PLease add me to your contest.

Susan said...

Who wouldn't want to win such lovely goodies?? I am participating too and it's so fun finding new people, blogs and amazing artists!!

kathy55439 said...


Toni said...

hello!I live in Pensylvania in the U.S.A.
I just got into making cards reciently and would love to win this!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, what a great give-away I'd love to enter :) I'm entered into OWOH as well, drop by my blog!

Mary said...

I love your tags. Very generous


Anonymous said...

sign me up for this generous giveaway.

Sunshinecoastgrl said...

Wow!! Great Stuff Love Your Blog!! I would love to win your give away!! Cheers,Colleen

Anonymous said...

Dawn you clever lady what lovely tags you make....
Please could i be entered into your draw.. such lovely work... would go well with my jewellery!

Kimberly Hellams said...

I love it! Please include me in your giveaway.

Nellie said...

Beautiful items :)

I would love to be in your draw.
My give away is at
I would love you to visit if you have the time.


cindyann said...

What a wonderful prize, I hope I win! I'll be back to read more of your blog. Please enter me in your drawing.

Holly said...

What a generous giveaway! And what a great way of finding interesting blogs this is ^-^!

I'm participating for the first time ever and I'm loving it!

Holly xoxo

Sugar and Spice Art Confections said...

What a wonderful packet! Rebecca Allinson

Chris in Oz said...


Isn't this a wonderful event??? I'm in for my second year and I'm sure I'll be back for more. Oh, I'd love to be entered for your give-away and if you haven't dropped by my blog yet, then please do.


Sharron aka Sharrahug said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win your wonderful goodies!
Huggies to you!

Shayla said...

Would love to be entered! Great giveaway.

Stephanie said...

This is fabulous!!! What a great giveaway! Please enter me in your drawing.

#813 on the caravan!

Ms. Kathleen said...

Thank you for entering me! Have a great week!

Lisa said...

Your giveaway is fantastic,I hope I everyone else does I'm sure! Thanks :)Lisa

Sandy..... said...

I would love a chance to win, too! /so generous of you~!

Judy said...

please enter my name in your drawing.

Rice said...

Amazing giveaway, Please include me in your drawing. Please stop by mine and enter if you get a chance.

Laurie said...

And I love your give away! I'm entered!
stop over to see mine!

Tapestry said...

OOohhh wonderful giveaway and tyvm for doing this. You have a very nice blog. I'd love to be entered in your drawing.

Jenny said...

Sounds great! I'd love to be in the drawing.

Anna Banana said...

Hello from Wisconsin (USA)
Your giveaway is delightful and I would love to be entered!!
Anna Banana

Niki Fretwell said...

Wonderful work, I love the tags that you have created,

ArtNomadix said...

Hi Dawn, I'm just about to join in on this OWOH and look forward to meeting lots of creative friendly people from elsewhere in the process.
LOve, Light and Rainbows

Treasuresofjoy said...

I would love to win your prizes. I just started some projects and those item would be helpful!

Hope said...

thanks for offering this! i would love to win!

Anonymous said...

Would love to be entered.

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Thank you for being part of the giveaway.

I am very happy to have met you.

Teresa said...

I would be be very proud to be the owner of one of your tags, should I be so lucky :)

Ms Muffin said...

Hello, I would love to win! Looks very cute!
Miss Muffin

happyichigo♥ said...

Count me in!!
Beautiful work!

Juanita said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Please enter my name. Have a blessed day!

Suzanne Lieurance said...

What great items for the giveaway. I feel more creative just looking at them. Please enter me in your giveaway.

Also, stop by to enter mine for free books.

#819 and #828 on the caravan

Anonymous said...

Your tags are lovely and make sure to visit my giveaway.


jolt said...

lovely tags...please enter my name in your draw~thanks

*jean* said...

your tags are really cool!


Nicolette said...

Please enter me for your draw.


cowgirltazz said...

Please enter me in your great giveaway. Thank you for the chance to wander around and get to know you. Be sure to come by mine at #587 if you get a chance. Thank you!

Edrian said...

These are really beautiful! Please count me in!

Please stop by my blog -- #882 if you haven't done so already and enter my OWOH giveaway!

Warmest Regards,

Edrian Thomidis

JD said...

Fun stuff!
stop by and say hello :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful giveaway! Scotland is so beautiful!

Sharon said...

This is wonderful. Please count me in.

Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angela Harris said...

There is nothing better than a new pack of markers! Please enter me!
Angela Harris

Bren said...

What an offer. Thanks for doing this. You are in the top 10. Brenda

JennaLouiseCreates said...

Please put me in your giveaway. Thank you! Stop by my blog and enter mine:) #819:) Jenna Louise

Divinenanny said...

I would love to enter, please see my blog:

Noggy said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for all the goodies...looking forward to visiting your blog again.

Beth said...

I would love a chance at winning!

Melanie said...

I love the quote on your banner! I have two active blogs - hope you'll stop by and visit. I'm excited to be entered in your drawing too.
thecreatorspalette at gmail dot com

Christine said...

Thanks for participating. I'm Christine from Boise, Idaho.

Ingrid said...

What a nice giveaway and most useful too. Thanks for participating in OWOH.

Jodz said...

Please enter me in your great giveaway

tyumenqueen said...

Thanks for a great blog site! I'll be a regular reader now. This is a great giveaway!Contact me at

Merry said...

What a terrific giveaway. Please enter me. my blog is

Corinna Nitschmann said...

Greetings from Hungary to Scotland! I would be happy to win one of your giveaways.

Corinna - felt art

John H said...

would love the chance to win those crafting goodies

Flora said...

please enter me!!

ozlynda said...

Such a great giveaway. Thanks for being so generous.
I would love to enter your giveaway.
lyndat65 at

Angela said...

looks awsome

nfmgirl said...

What a nice giveaway! Please count me in. Thank you!

Gypsy wagon #833 on the caravan

Margo said...

Wonderful giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing turnout for a wonderful giveaway!

StMaryGypsy said...

Please add my name to your drawing. Thank you

Monds & Mayberry said...

I really like your paper crafts. Thanks for the chance to win!

Elmira said...

Your giveaway is great!

Marianne said...

hello from Utah! You have a great giveaway- please include me! Come visit my blog to get in on my drawing if you would like! Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win one of your tags (especially the one on the left). Enter me on your drawing :-)

I just found out about this OWOH event and it is so inspiring. I really do hope this will go on forever :-). I will definitely enter on the next event.

Hege-Annie Simonsen said...

I would love to win in this wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance! :) Join in my giveaway, too! #874 ~ greetings from Hege - in Norway

Unknown said...

wow great blogcandy.Lovely blog do you have.Hope you have time to visit mine.
greetings Emilie

Anonymous said...

I love grab bags and this one is full of some great stuff! Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway!

Sara said...

I am so pleased to be able to enter your giveway. What a lovely bunch of goodies!

LynnB said...

It's great to meet you Dawn. I would love to enter your wonderful drawing. :) Thanks so much! Oh ... almost forgot ... Pepsi & Peaches are just adorable! :)

Lynn Brooks

Cassie said...

oh what fun! i've seen the mentioning of this OHOW for the last week but just today had time to check it out! i'd love to win one of your sweet prizes!!

Mommy2H said...

This is a lovely giveaway.
Please count me in!
mommy2h at gmail dot com

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